Tuesday, February 22, 2011

E=mc²: Einstein explains his famous formula

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Watch Out for Solar Sail Flares

NASA's first Earth-orbiting solar sail, NanoSail-D, is circling our planet and attracting the attention of sky watchers. Occasionally, sunlight glinting from the sail's reflective fabric produces a flash of light in the night sky. These "solar sail flares" are expected to grow brighter as NanoSail-D descends in the weeks ahead.

Read full article : http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2011/01feb_solarsailflares/

Credits : Science@NASA

8 years since space shuttle Columbia disaster | Portal to the Universe

Even though this is the 25th anniversary of Challenger, Feb. 1 will always be the day NASA lost another seven and the first orbiter of the space shuttle program.
On Feb. 1, 2003, space shuttle Columbia disintegrated on re-entry killing all seven aboard at the end of STS-107, bringing on the second halt to the space [...]
The Orlando Sentinel Extra Edition after the Columbia disaster
Even though this is the 25th anniversary of Challenger, Feb. 1 will always be the day NASA lost another seven and the first orbiter of the space shuttle program.
On Feb. 1, 2003, space shuttle Columbia disintegrated on re-entry killing all seven aboard at the end of STS-107, bringing on the second halt to the space shuttle program.
Take a look at some of the front pages from around the nation after the tragedy.
Here’s coverage from the Orlando Sentinel from the day of the accident and the memorials and investigation that followed.
This is the main story by then space editor Michael Cabbage and Sentinel Staff Writer Robyn Suriano.
And be sure to check out the multimedia photo presentation featuring images from Orlando Sentinel photographer Red Huber.
Credits:Portal to the universe