Astronomy has always been a fascinating subject for all, because of its many unsolved mysteries. A single life time entirely devoted to sky would not be enough for the investigation of a vast subject like Astronomy. Astronomy reserves the discoveries for the ages still to come. Our universe has been a big affair for the reason that, it has something for every age to investigate. Nature does not reveal her mysteries once and for all. India has a great history in the field of astronomy, Right from the times of Aryabhata to Chandrasekhar. Currently India is achieving great success in the field of rocket Science. But in the space research India is not up to the mark.
We the students of India can change this and make India a leader in the field of Astronomy. Keeping this in mind we the students of Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College, V V puram have formed an astronomy club for the first time in the Pre-University level, in India.
This club is aiming in promoting and popularizing Astronomy as a Science and also as a hobby. This club also serves as a networking base for likeminded individuals interested in various topics of Astronomy. The club acts as a base for allAmateur Astronomy related activities. Here we exchange information and spread general awareness about various Astronomical events.
All of us here are crazy about astronomy! Its mysteries enthrall the professional and the Amateur Astronomers. Observations and research in this field has drastically changed the way we understand nature. 'Amateur Astronomy' offers a great opportunity to learn the basic fundamentals of this science along with enjoying the way in which nature presents itself.
Our aims are:
Some of our activities are as follows:
1. Astro-theory Sessions: These sessions are held on every Wednesdays and they provide a perfect platform for the students to learn deeper aspects of Astronomy. During these sessions students give seminars on various topics of Astronomy.
2. Monthly Guest lectures.
3. Conducting events (Contests) on Astronomy, Where students can exhibit their imagination about the Universe.
One such event was "CREATIVE COSMOS", which we conducted on 11th of august in our college where students exhibited their talent in sketching and painting. The theme was “REVEAL YOUR UNIVERSE”.
4. Conducting Outreach programsto colleges where we give a presentation on 'Astronomy' and organize Sky show for the students.
5. Organize Expeditions to view special events such as Eclipses, Occultation and Meteor showers.
We also go out for Star parties where will travel about 40 km away from Bangalore to our huge Jain Global campus ( bangalore south ) for dark skies which are free from light pollution and then do observations through our telescopes.
We are planning to have a sophisticated observatory with all scientific devices, i.e. An Amateur Observatory for the first time in India and do basic research under the guidance of Professional Astronomers.
We also publish Astronomy magazines. The contents of the magazine are:
·A theoretical aspect clearly explained,
·Article on any one of the celestial objects,
· Amazing facts,
·An article on one of the Indian Astronomers,
·Updates on our club activities,
·Astro-activities going on in the city,
·Sky updates, in which we give information about the night, like what we can observe with naked eyes and with a simple binocular or a telescope, we also update about events such as occultation, meteor showers etc. and we also give sky charts.